Last updated
Last updated
The Termination Inquiry API enables Acquirers to identify Merchants and Agents previously terminated by other Acquirers, retrieving termination details directly from the Terminated Listing Database.
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
"city": "St Albans",
"countryOrRegion": "AT",
"streetAddress": "80 Wood Street",
"businessPhoneNumber": "+861071111223",
"category": "MERCHANT",
"dbaName": "Snap Photoshop Ltd",
"principal": {
"name": "Bill Smith"
"webAddress": "",
"tradeOverInternet": true
"status": {
"statusCode": "API0000",
"stausDescription": "SUCCESS"
"searchTerminatedResponse": {
"possibleMatches": {
"matchedRecords": [
"acquirerBID": "ACQ123",
"acquirerCountryOrRegion": "Country1",
"acquirerName": "Acquirer1",
"terminatedRecord": {
"address": {
"city": "Dummy City",
"countryOrRegion": "Dummy Country",
"streetAddress": "123 Dummy Street",
"stateOrProvince": "Dummy State",
"zipOrPostalCode": "12345"
"businessPhoneNumbers": [
"cardAcceptorIDs": [
"category": "Category1",
"contractEndDate": "2023-12-31",
"contractStartDate": "2020-01-01",
"DBAName": "DBAName1",
"incorportationStatus": "Active",
"primaryListingReason": "Reason1",
"principals": [
"name": "Principal2",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessPhoneNumber": "555-5678",
"driverLicenseNumber": "DL654321",
"passportNumber": "PP012345",
"principalId": "P456",
"residentIdOrNationalId": "R456",
"ssn": "987-65-4321"
"tradeInternationally": true,
"tradeOverInternet": true,
"acquirerAssignedMerchantID": "MerchantID1",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "123456789",
"financialAccts": [
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN123456",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI123",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK789"
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN654321",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI456",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK012"
"legalName": "LegalName1",
"merchantCategoryCodes": [
"paymentFacilitatorBID": "PF123",
"paymentFacilitatorCountryOrRegion": "Country1",
"secondaryListingReason": "Reason2",
"taxID": "987-65-4321",
"webAddresses": [
"terminatedRecordMatch": {
"addressMatch": {
"street": "456 Oak St",
"city": "City2",
"state": "State2",
"zipCode": "54321",
"country": "Country2"
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessPhoneNumbers": "555-9876",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "987654321",
"DBAName": "DBAName2",
"financialAcctsMatch": [
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN987654",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI789",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK456"
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN321098",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI654",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK789"
"legalName": "LegalName2",
"merchantCategoryCodes": "MCC789",
"principalsMatch": [
"name": "Principal3",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessPhoneNumber": "555-9876",
"driverLicenseNumber": "DL789012",
"passportNumber": "PP345678",
"principalId": "P789",
"residentIdOrNationalId": "R789",
"ssn": "987-65-4321"
"taxID": "123-45-6789",
"tradeOverInternet": "true",
"webAddresses": [
"terminatedRefID": "RefID1"
"totalCount": 1
"searchRequestRef": {
"searchRequestRefID": "SearchRefID1",
"acquirerBID": "ACQ123",
"acquirerCountryOrRegion": "Country1",
"globalSearch": true,
"terminatedRecordSearchCriteria": {
"address": {
"city": "Dummy City",
"countryOrRegion": "Dummy Country",
"streetAddress": "123 Dummy Street",
"stateOrProvince": "Dummy State",
"zipOrPostalCode": "12345"
"businessPhoneNumbers": [
"category": "Dummy Category",
"DBAName": "Dummy DBA Name",
"principals": [
"name": "Principal1",
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessPhoneNumber": "555-1234",
"driverLicenseNumber": "DL123456",
"passportNumber": "PP789012",
"principalId": "P123",
"residentIdOrNationalId": "R123",
"ssn": "123-45-6789"
"tradeOverInternet": true,
"businessEmailAddress": "",
"businessRegistrationNumber": "123456789",
"financialAccts": [
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN123456",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI123",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK789"
"financialAccountNumber": "FAN654321",
"financialInstitutionId": "FI456",
"intBankAccountNumber": "INTBANK012"
"legalName": "Dummy Legal Name",
"merchantCategoryCodes": [
"taxID": "987-65-4321",
"webAddresses": [
"retroAlertIfNoMatch": false
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |
Attribute | Type | Description |