Get informations about commercial companies
What kind of data I will get
By using this integration, you will get information about commercial companies. This data will be taken from the data service.
In response, you will receive data in the original structure and mapped to our data model.
Either nip or krs number must be provided.
Response content
Attribute | Type | Description |
| Contains information about the organization. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| The unique identifier of the organization. |
| The short name of the organization. |
| The full name of the organization. |
| The KRS number of the organization. |
| The NIP number of the organization. |
| The REGON number of the organization. |
| Contains information about the current state of the organization. | |
| Contains information about the CEO of the organization. | |
| Contains information about the address of the organization. | |
| The date when the organization was first registered in the KRS. |
| The date when the organization was last registered in the KRS. |
| The number of current relations the organization has. |
| The number of past relations the organization had. |
| The type of the organization. |
| The relations of the organization |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| Indicates whether the organization is a public benefit organization. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in liquidation. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in bankruptcy. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in suspension. |
| Indicates whether the organization has been deleted. |
| The legal form of the organization. |
| The main PKD code of the organization. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| The unique identifier of the CEO. |
| The first and last name of the CEO. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| The city where the organization is located. |
| The apartment number of the organization. |
| The postal code of the organization. |
| The street where the organization is located. |
| The name of the post office where the organization is located. |
| The country where the organization is located. |
| The house number of the organization. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| Id of the relation. |
| Full name of the organization. |
| Short name of the organization. |
| DUNS number of the organization. |
| KRS number of the organization. |
| NIP number of the organization. |
| REGON number of the organization. |
| The house number of the organization. | |
| CEO of the organization. | |
| Address of the organization. | |
| Contact details of the organization. | |
| Date of entry into the register of the registrant in the National Court Register in YYYY-MM-DD. |
| Date of removal from the register of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
| Date of entry into the register of associations in the National Court Register in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
| Date of deletion from the register of associations in the National Court Register in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
| Date of the latest entry in the National Court Register in the format YYYY-MM-DD. In the case of organizations deleted from the National Court Register, this is also the date of deletion. |
| Number of the latest entry in the National Court Register. |
| W przypadku organizacji wykreślonych, data najnowszego wpisu do KRS zawierającego dane sprzed wykreślenia w formacie RRRR-MM-DD. |
| In the case of deleted organizations, the number of the latest entry in the National Court Register containing data from before the deletion. |
| Date of first entry into the National Court Register in the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
| W przypadku organizacji wykreślonych, data uprawomocnienia się postanowienia sądu w kwestii wykreślenia organizacji z KRS, w formacie RRRR-MM-DD. |
| The number of organization's connections currently present. |
| The number of organization's connections that existed in the past and did not currently exist. |
| API object type, always taking one value. |
| List of connections of this organization to the queried organization/person. | |
| Birth date of the person. (if relations is of type person) |
| The second names of related person. (if relations is of type person) |
| First name of related person. (if relations is of type person) |
| All names of relarted person. (if relations is of type person) |
| The sex of related person. (if relations is of type person) |
| Date and time of the last synchronization of the organization's data with the official KRS, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS. |
relation state
Attribute | Type | Description |
| Indicates whether organization has the received funding from the European Union. |
| Indicates whether organization is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. |
| Indicates whether organization has received public help. |
| Indicates whether organization is state owned. |
| Indicates whether the organization is a public benefit organization. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in liquidation. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in bankruptcy. |
| Indicates whether the organization is in suspension. |
| Indicates whether the organization has been deleted. |
| The legal form of the organization. |
| The main PKD code of the organization. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
| The unique identifier of the CEO. |
| The first and last name of the CEO. |
queried relation
Attribute | Type | Description |
| The start date of relation. |
| The end date of relation. |
| The direction of the relation (AKTYWN, PASYWNY) |
| The detailed description of the relation |
| The type of the relation (KRS_SHAREHOLDER, KRS_BOARD) |
Example response
Last updated