Przelewy 24

What kind of data I will get

By using this integration, you will get information about customer details obtained from verification bank transfer (usually 1 PLN amount)

Verification payment processing

On sandbox environment, there is no real payment processing and you will receive output instantly, whereas in production environment it is required to wait some time for bank to register and confirm transaction.

When user finishes interaction with widget, You will receive two webhooks:

  1. User interaction with widget was completed but some tasks have been being processed in background (awaiting workflow webhook)

  2. All tasks have been processed and workflow is fully completed (workflow completed webhook)

More information about this service you can find here

Response Content



Example response

    "przelewy24": {
        "verificationPayment": {
            "email": "",
            "name": "Jan Testowy",
            "street": "Konwaliowa 6",
            "city": "Komorniki",
            "postCode": "62-052",
            "iban": "11124055271111001084658665",
            "originalString": "Jan Testowy KONWALIOWA 6 62-052 KOMORNIKI PL "

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