How does it work?
Upon your user consent, TransactionLink connects to their bank to download their data.
More about this service you can find here
Configuration: Redirect and embedded
The AIS app can be configured to follow two different flows. Every flow returns different data, and it's up to you to decide which one suits your use-case.
The redirect flow
In this flow the user is redirected to the bank's website, where he consents for the data download. This flow is the most common choice as it provides more robustness. However, it doesn't provide detailed personal data like personal identity number, so it's KYC capabilities are limited.
The embedded flow
In this flow all the interactions happen within TransactionLink's widget. The data download happens only once and transactions history is limited to three months. On the other hand you're able to get more of the personal data for example identity number.
Supported banks
To check the list of supported banks please go to this section.
Response Content
Field | Type | Description |
status | String | Integration result status: One of possible values:
code | String | Code related with status: One of possible values:
Field | Type | Description |
firstName | String | First name of the person |
lastName | String | Last name of the person |
personalIdentityNumber | String | Personal Identity Number of the person |
personAddresses | Object | Object containing person's addresses |
citizenship | String | Citizenship of the person |
gender | String | Gender of the person |
birthDate | String | Date of birth of the person |
resourceType | String | Type of the resource |
Field | Type | Description |
registry | Object | Object containing registry address |
Field | Type | Description |
city | String | City name |
country | String | Country name |
postalCode | String | Postal code |
street | String | Street name and number |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the account. |
number | String | Account number. |
name | String | Account name. |
openedAt | String | Date when the account was opened. |
currency | String | Currency of the account. |
availableBalance | Number | Available balance in the account. |
bookingBalance | Number | Booking balance in the account. |
overdraftLimit | Number | Overdraft limit of the account. |
bic | String | Bank Identifier Code of the bank where the account is held. |
bankName | String | Name of the bank where the account is held. |
transactions | Array | List of transactions associated with the account. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the transaction. |
accountId | String | Unique identifier of the account associated with the transaction. |
amount | Number | Amount of the transaction. |
currency | String | Currency of the transaction. |
title | String | Title of the transaction. |
tradedAt | String | Date and time when the transaction was made. |
status | String | Status of the transaction. |
accountNumber | String | Account number of the counterparty. |
description | String | Description of the transaction. |
bookedAt | String | Date and time when the transaction was booked. |
counterpartyAccount | String | Account number of the counterparty. |
counterpartyName | String | Name of the counterparty. |
counterpartyBic | String | Bank Identifier Code of the counterparty. |
counterpartyBankName | String | Name of the counterparty bank. |
category | String | Category of the transaction. |
postTransactionBalance | Number | Balance after the transaction was made. |
Example response
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